Leadership, Culture & Strategy.

Welcome to TLA

All of us at TLA share the same mission to support organizations and individuals in producing powerful strategic outcomes regardless of the current circumstances no matter how challenging they may be.

Our team is ruthless in going the distance to help you or your organization produce the results you’re out to achieve. While most traditional consultants set out to give advice, cut costs, or teach you a new management technique — we take an entirely integrative approach and work with you on intentionally designing environments in which the strategic, execution, and management issues get resolved seamlessly. We focus on root causes, not band-aid solutions.

Areas of Practice



As the saying goes, “Culture Eats Strategy For Breakfast.” We work with organizations and individuals to intentionally and sustainably design cultures that become a pull for an environment to achieve their goals. We team up with existing groups of people in your organization to elevate the culture so that it authentically represents your core values and is in line with the outcomes you’re committed to producing.



We work with organizations and individuals to design strategies to focus on measurable outcomes they want to achieve. It could be building cohesive cultures between two companies after or during a merger, helping a company that’s in decline to be innovative again, or to work with an athlete on winning a competition. We custom tailor programs that are designed with the sole objective to align with your core values.. You determine where you want your organization to go, and the strategy model we teach you gets you there reliably and with velocity. We work with you on implementing micro-strategies and behaviors through training, coaching, and consulting, until every aspect of your organization is authentically expressing your vision for the future of both yourself and your organization.



We will get up behind whatever you’re committed to in your own personal life and/or your organization. We assert that most of the consulting world simply does “management on steroids.” Whether your organization is already working well or is having deep-seeded issues with culture, leadership, and cohesive teams, we’ll not only get to the root cause, we will help take the environment to the next level reliably and quickly.